I remember that the night before you were born...I was SOOOOOOO ready to have you! I went walking about a 1/2 mile to our Circle K store and then onto our local Blockbuster Video...all in an attempt to entice you to come out from hiding! The only thing that happened was that I had a few cramps and a TON of pain...but nothing consistent...I was SOOOOO disappointed! I remember getting on my knees that night and pleading with the Lord to let you come...NOW! I knew that Daddy was going to be gone the next day at a seminar...but I didn't care...I just wanted to be done being pregnant...and I wanted to hold you in my arms! Daddy left that next morning, it was a Sunday, around 8:am...and sure enough by 8:30 am...my contractions started! I called my friend, Ahtanya, who was going to be my birthing coach...and at first I couldn't get a hold of her...she was teaching her primary class at church. She called me back about an hour later...and I told her that my labor had just started...and to be prepared to take me to the hospital...since Daddy was at his seminar already. She told me that her kids had prepared a Mother's Day lunch...and I told her that she should have plenty of time to eat with them and enjoy her Mother's Day with her husband and kids. I started cleaning the house to keep busy...but once you decided to come...you were relentless! My contractions got stronger and stronger...and by 11:30 am...I found myself calling Ahtanya and telling her that she needed to come right away to take me to the hospital. Grandma Allen came over to watch Jonathan, Lilli, and Jared...and I remember that we had a family prayer...and then I was off to the hospital with Ahtanya. I felt horrible that I made her miss her Mother's Day lunch with her family...but she didn't seem to mind...and was so kind to me throughout the delivery! I remember even in the car ride over...she was making me breathe through my contractions...and keeping me focused through the pain. We arrived at Mesa Lutheran Hospital around noon...Ahtanya helped me through the front doors and sat me down in a chair next to the admissions office. I was in A LOT of pain by then...and I was doing my best to breathe through the pain...while tears ran down my cheeks. One of the nurses in admissions noticed how much pain that I was in...and quickly got me a wheelchair to be taken up to labor and delivery. When I finally got checked in and into my hospital gown...I ended up being dilated to a 5 1/2...the staff was able to get an anesthesiologist to my room quickly and I was able to get an epidural. For some reason though...the epidural wasn't working too great and I could feel a lot of pain in my cervix...everytime I had a contraction. The nurses felt like maybe gravity would help get the medication to where it needed to be...so they kept sitting me up in the hospital bed...but as soon as they did that...I became as pale as a sheet and felt like I was going to throw up. So then they would put me back down...this went on for a very LONG time...it was NOT fun to go through at all. The nurse got permission from my doctor to break my water...and I mentioned to Ahtanya that we should probably call David to come right now. We didn't have much luck getting a hold of him at first...but we called Uncle Kenny and he was able to locate him and tell him to head to the hospital. Ahtanya was such life saver throughout the whole ordeal...she helped me focus on breathing through the contractions...and that helped more then she will ever know. I was so grateful to have her at my side! It was the first time that I had a birthing coach to help me through the delivery...in all of my other birthing experiences...it was just me, Daddy and the doctor!
Daddy got stuck in traffic on the way to the hospital...but he finally arrived and I was so thrilled to see him! They broke my water around 4:30 pm...and at precisely 4:56 pm...you were born!
You were so beautiful...and so PINK! You were covered with a thick layer of what they call baby cold cream...and I think that is why you were so extra soft! You weighed over 8 pounds and I think that you were at least 20 inches long...you were a BIG baby! Your hair was dark...and you had a ton of it. We were very happy to have you finally in our arms!
I was the first one to hold you...and when I looked down into your eyes...I knew that it was ALL worth it! You were so beautiful...and so perfect...you reminded me of a little doll.

After I got through holding you...they whisked you away to your bassinet to weigh you and clean you off...you didn't like being exposed to the cold air...you cried and cried until you were safely in your Daddy's arms.


Who Came: (Top Left...Uncle Zyad & Aunt Patricia/ Top Right...Jennifer Nagy & her daughters...Gracie and Clara/ The Rest are your brothers and sister holding you!)

Daddy's funniest memory of your birth and hospital stay was when he brought Jonathan, Lilli and Jared to see you for the first time. As they were leaving Jared, who was almost three at the time, leaned over Daddy's shoulder as he carried him out the door and said in a very low voice, "Thanks for baby Mama, thanks for baby!" His words were simple but too the point...he captured what all of us felt...we were so thankful to have you come to our family! ~ Mom